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Add these rides—suggested by professional cyclists—to your Golden State cycling bucket list

California has a few distinct advantages when it comes to cycling: year-round mild temperatures, 多样的地形, 自然美景, 和 the honor of hosting many of the sport’s most prestigious events.

We asked some top professional cyclists to tell us where they love to ride most in California. 他们是这么说的.

上下山. Tamalpais,马林县



This climbing-heavy route is the home turf go-to for Wiles, 住在湾区费尔法克斯镇的人.

“It's my favorite because you start with a beautiful climb past an alpine dam that is literally right out my front door, then you enjoy 360-degree views of ocean on the right 和 Marin County on the left as you go along the ‘Seven Sisters’ ridge along Mt. “Tamalpais,”怀尔斯说. “Then all the climbing is rewarded by one of my all-time favorite descents down to the coast, followed by crazy beautiful ocean views all the way along Highway 1 until it’s time to climb back up. 就在你开始被攀岩打败的时候, you get to descend one more glorious time before climbing up Bofax, 一个狭窄的, 几乎没有汽车的美丽攀登. Once you hit the top it’s all downhill home (nearly).”

骑它:试试怀尔斯的 Mt. Tam骑,或查看自行车社交网络Livelo 's  旧金山最好的公路自行车之旅 for other scenic, less-challenging options in the area.



As the winner of the 2015 Amgen Tour of California 和 the record-holder for the most stage wins in Amgen history, 萨根骑着马(飞快地)走遍了整个州. The reigning World Champion says that whenever he comes to California, he loves to spend a few days in 圣地亚哥 和 旧金山 before heading to his favorite cycling destination.

“Choosing my favorite ride in California is too hard—there are so many beautiful places,” says Sagan. “I think California is one of the best places to visit as a tourist 和 ride as a cyclist. If I had to pick one place to ride, that would be around 太浩湖. 它结合了高海拔, 良好的道路, 和 scenic beauty make it a perfect training spot for me. 下次你去的时候,可能会撞见我."

骑行:太浩湖是两者的中心 路骑 和 山地自行车该地区拥有许多 自行车店 方便租赁和当地乘车建议. To find a route that suits your interests 和 ability level, check out Tahoe.Com的名单 10次太浩湖公路骑行 或访问 太浩南 和 太浩北 关于该地区租车和骑行的地方.





Coryn Labecki

The riding in Sonoma County’s Santa Rosa was voted the favorite by not one but three riders, 多亏了这里的红杉, 葡萄园, 还有旧金山北部的美景. The cycling community is strong in Santa Rosa, 和 it’s also where former professional cyclist 李维Leipheimer 生活和经营他的热门活动, 李维斯GranFondo. The loop chosen by these top riders utilizes many of the same roads as Leipheimer’s annual ride.

Bookwalter remembers riding in Santa Rosa for the first time during a pre-season camp with the BMC Racing Team in 2008. “The ride from Santa Rosa blew my mind 10 years ago 和 still amazes me whenever I'm lucky enough to have the chance to go back,他说. “广阔的葡萄园, 茂密的红杉林, 和 the breathtaking cruise to the ocean are all reasons this one stays at the top of my list for California rides.”  

“这是一次令人惊叹的旅程,”塔兰斯基说. “你什么都懂一点. 没有交通的乡村道路. 起伏的群山. And my favorite part is the drop back down to the ocean—you can see it from miles away 和 before you know it, 你就在太平洋旁边. 这是难以置信的." 

Rivera echoes the men after riding this route during the women’s race of the Amgen Tour of California in 2016. “I love riding along the coast 和 that section was so beautiful 和 twisty, 把, 上上下下,里维拉说. “I recommend this route not only for the scenery but also for the opportunity to have wonderful wine from the area as well.” 

骑它:跟着 GranFondo循环 for the most challenging version of this route, copy Rivera’s 2016年安进第三阶段骑行 73英里,或者选择 55英里的版本 由圣罗莎自行车俱乐部详细报道.




Tetrick is a California native who grew up riding horses in Santa Barbara County before moving north of 旧金山 to Petaluma, 以前的女牛仔现在在哪里生活和训练. 当她回到她的根, 她选择了她最喜欢的地区之旅, 它起源于丹麦的村庄 Solvang.

“Starting off with Danish pancakes 和 heading up Mt. Figueroa, you can see the most beautiful views,” she says. “I recently did this climb with the poppies blooming 和 the Pacific Ocean was serene. I even had time for a pit stop near my childhood ranch in Los Alamos to have a 圣玛丽亚风格的三尖 三明治. bbin游戏官网喜欢攀岩带来的挑战, 和 the views 和 feeling of accomplishment make it all worthwhile!"   

驾驭它:将你的挑战配对 96.5英里骑 还有同样丰盛的三尖三明治 圣玛丽亚谷. 有关该地区的驯养路线,请查看 MapMyRide for Santa Maria,或加入一个有组织的 葡萄酒和自行车旅行团.




霍夫曼, who grew up in Elk Grove 和 now lives east of 萨克拉门托 in El Dorado Hills, 附近有两个最喜欢的游乐设施吗 奥本位于该州首府东北约35英里处.

One is the 65-mile 爱荷华山环 around 奥本 State Recreational Area, 另一条是沿着蚊子岭路爬. “[They are both] just really scenic rides that are very remote, 所以没有交通,有很多爬坡,霍夫曼说.

骑它:乘它 爱荷华山环 对于64岁的人.7英里的路线,海拔6923英尺,或攀登 蚊岭道 对于68分的.2英里的路线,海拔8586英尺.




Palomar Mountain is somewhat of a rite of passage for 圣地亚哥 cyclists, 和 it has made multiple appearances on the Amgen Tour of California route. “It’s an iconic SoCal climb that is so unique because you can be at the beach 和 several hours later be on a mountaintop,塞拉说。. “没有比这更好的培训了, 和 you will enjoy the views of the entire valley as you snake through the wooded switchbacks to the top.”

一旦你到达12英里爬坡的顶端, 苹果派, 饼干, 和 a bottle of Coca-Cola are waiting at the general store 和 妈妈的厨房. Experienced riders can follow Cerra’s favorite way to do the climb—a 90-mile loop on quiet country roads past Lake Henshaw, 中途停在 达德利的面包店 (她推荐白巧克力山核桃饼干). 如果想要短途旅行,可以把公园停在靠近山脚下的地方. Palomar 和 do just the climb—a tough ride on its own.

驾驭它:解决塞拉的挑战 91.4英里的帕洛马路线,或者把车停在靠近底部的地方,然后爬上11号桥.6-mile 南级

寻找更多穿越本州的路线? Strava has put together athlete-curated city guides for the most popular routes in several destinations. 看看他们的指南 贝克斯菲尔德夫勒斯诺市长滩洛杉矶奥克兰、旧金山湾区(东湾北海湾半岛南湾), 萨克拉门托圣地亚哥旧金山圣荷西.





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